
Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am

Please note that our Sunday services are currently on pause.

We hold an in-person worship service at Swedenborg Chapel every Sunday at 11:00 am.  Our service format is a mix of traditional and relaxed elements, including readings from the Bible and from the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, hymns, prayer and a spiritual message.  All people are welcome!

First Tuesday of the Month Candlelight Taizé: 7:30 – 8:15 pm

Please note that our monthly Taizé services are currently on pause.

Needing a gentle, mid-week pause? Join us for a candle-lit Taizé service of prayer, where we search for communion with God through community prayer, song, and silence. All peoples and faith traditions welcome.

We are offering our Taizé services currently in a hybrid format.  You can find them streamed on our Facebook page.

The Taizé service of prayer is music-centric, using contemporary chants with short texts that are sung again and again, inviting individuals to meditate on the texts, deepen into them, pray through them. There is also a period of silence for personal reflection.

A young Helen Keller smells a rose, with text Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful

Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful, Thursdays at 7:00 pm on ZOOM

Please visit the Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative website to sign up for these weekly gatherings on Zoom.

Labyrinth (Coming Spring 2019)


We are so pleased to announce the completion of our labyrinth through a generous grant from our larger denominational body, the General Convention of the Swedenborgian Church.

We pray that our community, neighbors and friends, will appreciate this offering as a way for anyone to connect with God and their own spiritual lives on our grounds.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in Cambridge, MA

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: 4:30 pm

Please note that we will not be holding a Christmas Eve service this year.

An annual service of scripture lessons and traditional carols that retells the ancient story of the birth of our Lord.  The service emphasizes the steadfastness of God’s love and the Lord’s desire to be closer to us.  The service closes with a congregational candle lighting.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service in Cambridge, MA

Additional Worshiping Communities

We also host two other worshiping communities: The Anglican Church of the Epiphany Worship Sunday mornings 9 – 10:30 AM, and Highrock Cambridge Worships Sundays at 1:30 pm