Pastor and Director of Swedenborg Chapel: Rev. Sage Cole
I wear many hats at Swedenborg Chapel as pastor of the local society, director of the Chapel’s operations and extended ministries, and Swedenborgian Chaplain at Harvard.
Since moving to Cambridge in June 2015 with my husband and young son Theo, our family has grown, with the birth of our second son Zachary, and my work at the Chapel has grown, as our local society has embraced the hope of reaching out and doing church in new ways.
There are so many wonderful opportunities here at Swedenborg Chapel to serve and I take great joy in them all. Performing wedding and baptism services at the Chapel are highlights. I also have a particular love for officiating at Memorial Services and the meaning and healing that can take place when we gather to intentionally honor and say goodbye to a loved one. I am trained as a Spiritual Director with the Haden Institute and feel blessed to meet with directees. My work with students and fellow Chaplains at Harvard is always engaging and it is a true honor to represent the Swedenborgian tradition in our community. To hear more about my journey and the meaning of the Swedenborgian tradition to me you can check out these videos on You Tube: Sage Cole, Swedenborgian Chaplain at Harvard; Sage Cole, What is Swedenborgianism?
I was ordained into the ministry of the Swedenborgian Church in 2005, after graduating with a Master’s of Divinity from the Pacific School of Religion and the Swedenborgian House of Studies in Berkeley, CA.
I live in Hyde Park with my husband and two sons.

Organist: Angela Papierski
Angela Papierski began formal piano lessons at age 5. She spent her childhood accompanying and singing in all the school choral groups, and playing clarinet in the band. She attended Berklee College of Music and then the University of Massachusetts, Boston, graduating summa cum laude with a BA in Music in 2007.