Rent Our Space for Plays, Concerts, Lectures & Meetings
We seek to make our space available to a variety of groups and events throughout the year, especially gatherings that lift up and celebrate beauty, truth, justice and community.
Swedenborg Chapel is located on 50 Quincy Street in Cambridge, MA, with convenient access to the Harvard Square red line subway stop and other public transportation.
The Sanctuary
The acoustics of our sanctuary are quite good making it an ideal venue for concerts, theater and lectures. The room features:
Events We Have Hosted:
Rental Fees
We are happy to negotiate different fees for your unique one time or recurring event. Our basic rental packages and prices are as follows:
Package S1: $800
Package S2: $500
Community Room Rental
We also have a small community room on our lower level that is available for groups of 35 or less. Please contact us for pricing and availability.
Worshiping Communities & Ongoing Groups and Classes
We are very happy to open our space to other worshiping communities and ongoing groups and classes. We currently host two other congregations, the Anglican Church of the Epiphany and the Boston Joyful Church, two regular 12 Step Meetings, and we maintain office space for the General Convention of the Swedenborgian Church in North America. If you are looking for space to worship, teach a class, or hold a group please contact us and lease arrangements for ongoing use are negotiated on a case by case basis.
Get Started
Interested in reserving our space? Please fill out the form below and a representative of the Chapel will get back to you as soon as possible.